Pioneers in Bioenergy Research
Throughout recorded history there are references to light coming from the human body. Light emissions were quantified by photographs of the body taken with colored glass filters (1910, England). De La Mar built the first radionics recorder to measure by scale the living tissue radiations (1940, Germany). Harold Burr (neurophysiologist, Yale University) discovered an electro-magnetic field in all living tissue with fluctuations and variations over time (1930-1960, U.S.A.). Kirlian photographic research displayed energy field changes during emotional states (1939, Russia). All vital systems operate electrically. A cell has polarities and energy field effects. Membranes, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and fascia also participate in chemical interaction, create and carry electrical impulses. Each living animal has intracellular, cellular, and gross structural polarities that furnish living tissue with electromagnetism.
(Text is from Valerie Hunt's webpage. Help in tracking these citations is appreciated).

Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval, 1851-1940
Physician, physicist, Inventor
Dr. d'Arsonval did the first research on the physiological effects of alternating current on the body. He pioneered the field of electrotherapy. For these studies, he invented the moving-coil D'Arsonval galvanometer which was an important contributor to the field of electrophysiology, the study of the effects of electricity on biological organisms.

Nikoli Tesla, 1856-1943
Physcist, Engineer, Inventor
Dr. Tesla discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field which lead to his invention of the first alternating current (AC) motor. He pioneered radio communication. His inventions included electric oscillators, meters, improved lights and the high voltage transformer known as the Tesla coil.
Dr. Tesla introduced the term "scalar wave" in the 1920s to describe non-Hertzian energy which has no frequency. In 1950, researchers at the Max Planck Institute mechanically created scalar waves, introduced them into a petrie dish containing living cells and observed them becoming more active.

Alekandr Gurvich, 1984-1954
Dr. Gurvich discovered ultra-weak ultraviolet radiation emanating from living tissues and postulated the morphogentic field theory to account for the directed and ordered development and functioning of organisms.
Dr. Gurvich proved that biological systems regulate information by exchanging ultraviolet photons. ‘Biophotonics’ is the research enterprise studying extremely weak photon emissions from biological objects.

Semyon (1898-1978) and
Valentina (1903-1971) Kirlian,
Electrician and Journalist
The Kirlians were motivated by a talk given by Nicola Tesla and Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval. In 1939 they recorded images of gas emitting from leaves on photographic plates connected to a high-voltage source. Their first scientific paper on Kirlian photography was published in 1961. High-voltage electrophotography became known to the general public as Kirlian photography.
Coronal discharges identified as Kirlian auras are caused by the ionization of a fluid. These "auras" has been observed previously, but the Kirlian's photographs permitted them to be studied. Many factors were found to affect the gas discharges, including the voltage and frequency of stimuli, local humidity and grounding. Kirlian's experiments did not provide evidence for an energy field other than the electric fields produced by chemical processes, and the streaming process of coronal discharges (D.G. Boyers and W.A. Tiller,1973).

Earl W. Sutherland, 1915-1974
Pharmacologist and Biochemist
Dr. Sutherland pioneered our understanding of cell signaling, which involves three stages:
Reception: a chemical signal binds to a cellular protein, typically at the cell’s surface or inside the cell.
Transduction: binding leads to a change in the receptor that triggers a series of changes in a series of different molecules along a signal-transduction pathway. The molecules in the pathway are called relay molecules.
Response: the transduced signal triggers a specific cellular activity.
The following need checking out
Ross Adley
(the biochemical model is bankrupt, health is determined by information "),
the Research Institute of Glasgow (" homeopathy works on the level of protoplasm "),
Benveniste(homeopathic dilutions work "),
Becker (electromagnetism determines health)
Robert Becker (electric wound power determines celgenezing)
Rossi (neuropeptides are the basis of our experience of consciousness)

Candance Pert, 1946-2003
Neurologist, Pharmacologist
Dr. Pert's discovered that neuropeptides provide communication between the cells, including self-healing. Her research started with her discovery of
the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain. She established the association between chemicals and emotions (in this case, pleasure). Then Dr. Pert established that opiates also docked onto cells in the gut, and further throughout the body, observing that the body's sense of pleasure did not just happen in the brain, but was distributed. She observed that Freud would be surprised to learn that "the body is the subconscious mind". Dr. Pert also observed that when opium cell receptors were all occupied, more were produced, and this created a craving; likewise with receptors for sugars and other addictive substances.

Valerie Hunt, 1916-2014
Bioengineer, Neurophysiologist
Dr. Hunt developed an instrument that measures and records high frequency bioelectrical energy emanating from the body’s surface. She proved that energy radiating from the body’s atoms give frequencies 1000 times faster than any other known electrical activity of the body. Dr. Hunt studied bioenergy data with spectral analyses and discovered neuromuscular patterns of non-verbal communication. She established the neuromuscular patterns of anxiety and anger, when the only physiological research of emotions was chemical and behavioral. She recorded the sound of the chakras.

Dr. Hunt first described how one can consciously create the "scalar wave" described by Nikoli Tesla inside the body. Her groundbreaking research led to the first truly scientific understanding of the relationship between energy field disturbances, disease, emotional pathologies, human field communication and the energy spectrum of consciousness. Science cannot measure scalar energy because it has no frequency, but "we know
how to create this standing energy and how to measure its end results."

Konstantin Korotkov, 19..-
Krishna Madappa, 19..
Whereas Mr. and Mrs. Kirlian recorded images of gas emissions on photographic plates connected to a high-voltage source, Dr. Korotkov captures gas emission using real-time digital photography. He works with Dr. Madappa to quantify photon emission patterns and describe the relationship these and the health and well-being of people.

Harry Oldfield, 1953-2019
Dr. Oldfield developed a computer program to analyze different light intensities being reflected from the person or object being scanned in real time. His system is called Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP). He also invented the Oldfield Microscope that uses one or more diffraction gratings to select specific frequencies from a white light source, enhancing both the resolution and depth of focus.


Dr. Oldfield also invented the Oldfield Microscope that uses one or more diffraction gratings to select specific frequencies from a white light source, enhancing both the resolution and depth of focus.