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Nancy Flournoy, Curators Distinguished Professor Emerita (University of Missouri)

Ph.D. in Biomathematics (University of Washington), M.S. and B.S. in Biostatistics (UCLA)

Independent Distributor for Lifewave, Inc. #1090315


Fellow: American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington Academy of Arts and Science, World Academy of Science

Recipient: Janet L. Norwood Award, F.N. David Award, Elizabeth Scott Award, NSF Outstanding Performance Award

Nancy Flournoy was born in 1947. She has a distinguished career in Statistics - both in applications and in theory. Her primary theoretical research interests concerns the design of experiments, particularly the design and analysis of adaptive clinical trials; she is known for her publications on blood and bone marrow transplantation, immunology and virology, and in particular on the graft-versus-tumor effect.

Nancy Flournoy was born in 1947. She has a distinguished career in Statistics - both in applications and in theory. Her primary theoretical research interest concerns the design of experiments, particularly the design and analysis of adaptive clinical trials; she is known for her publications on blood and bone marrow transplantation, immunology and virology, and in particular on the graft-versus-tumor effect.

Dr. Flournoy had a head trauma that resulted in near death experiences in 1997. Despite the best diagnostic work that could be had from George Washington and Duke University medical professionals, no successful treatment was found.  She was offered "coping skills". Dr. Flournoy was fortunate to discover craniosacral therapy from Laurel Wilkinson, who saved her life.  Laurel taught her that full recovery would require four components: physical, energetic, spiritual and biochemical and introduced her to Caroline Myss' teachings that forgiveness is essential if one is to recover energy needed to heal.  Laurel also introduced Nancy to acupuncture, manual lymph drainage, and nutritional biochemist Andrew Lennertz.  Intrigued in learning of a plethora of healing modalities she had never before heard of, she explored and benefited from Continuum, Feng ShuiZero Balancing, Feldenkrais, Rolfing, QiGong, Bioenergy, Pilates, Yoga and others.  Flournoy also learned from the writings of Drs. Elmer GreenBarbara Brennan, Valerie Hunt, and Candance Pert, as well as Harry Oldfield, David Kennedy, and Michaelle Small Wright.

To satisfy growing curiosity about the nature of consciousness and the energetics of healing, Flournoy received advanced training under Meitex Wirkus and David Moorehouse. Never before Lifewave has she endorsed a product, but she wants everyone to know about the miraculous  effects she has seen from the use of their non-transdermal  patches. 

Further research and information exchanged can be found at these sites: 

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Dr. Nancy Flournoy



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